Wednesday, December 14, 2016

My Thoughts on No Man´s Sky

When No Man's Sky was first announced it sparked the inner child and imagination of gamers the world over and I was no different. The graphics and gameplay seemed amazing, all of the planets seemed unique and rich with both plant and animal life and it seemed like an adventure that I and the entire world wanted to go on. 

That being said, Hello Games and their game, No Man's Sky was marketed in such a way that it let the consumers create the product expectations. Which would later lead to major disappointments and blame laid squarely on the shoulders of Sean Murray. Now, many people blame Mr. Murray, saying that he outright lied about the games content and whereas I can genuinely understand where people are coming from I don't feel like they're being really fair. 

I mean who hasn't gotten excited about a project that they're doing and blow it out of proportion, or simply taken on more work than they could possibly handle due to excitement. I mean I know I have. 

Sure, Mr. Murray shouldn't have said most of what he did until everything was 100% certain but I feel that it was a mixture of both his excitement and wanting his game to be the best it could possibly be. It seems to me he wanted to implement all of the new ideas coming at him and simply couldn't due to time restraints. 

That being said, I think Sony deserves the blame more than Mr. Murry simply because they should have provided a PR person for him to promote the game. Instead of putting a man with little to no experience at the helm and throwing him and Hello Games under the bus when it backfired. 

I think that the reason, the real reason No Man's Sky was pushed out the way it originally was with almost no feature and wonky spaceship battles was that Sony was pushing Hello Games to do so. Now, I have no evidence of this but it's what makes the most sense to me, and it's something that's been done in the past. 

If you go back and you watch the interviews and if you go over the story in game you can see quite clearly that Murray, and his team at Hello Games, has a very idealistic and naive sense of the world. So, in my mind I think that for the most part he really thought that he and his team would be able to implement all of the game aspects he promised. However, when Sony, their parent company came knocking at the door demanding the game it simply wasn't ready, but they had to deliver. 

So instead of being honest with his fanbase (which maybe he couldn´t be due to Sony) about the state of the game, which totally could have saved his reputation in the moment. Murray, and his company, immediately set to work on the Foundation Update which I have been playing. And honestly the update is amazing. I just wonder what would have happened had they been given more time. 

Murray should have been upfront but my guess is that he really thought they would be able to accomplish everything it just sort of fell through. But, I think he and his company learned the lesson because when they launched the the foundation update he said he didn't want to say anything until it wasn't 100% certain

And now they´re currently looking for a writers, QA testers, and programmers and if you have experience in any of these fields and want to work for Hello Games visit I would have loved to see this happen before I'm glad to see it's happening now.

I was a bit annoyed at first with the game and its many bugs at launch but this new update has me hopeful and ready to play more No Man's Sky. What do you think of No Man´s Sky and  Hello Games? Do you agree with what I said? Disagree? Please leave a comment down below. You can also check out my livestream that I did playing No Man's Sky, down below 

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Friday, December 2, 2016

Unboxing New V2 Camera for Playstation 4

I am so happy, we finally found the new playstation 4 camera we were looking everywhere for. Luckily we managed to find a shop where they were selling it. Below you can see the full unboxing.

The new playstation camera has many features and it´s compatible with the new playstation VR. I look forward to seeing all of you in my next live stream so be sure to subscribe to my channel (